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About the #Digital­CheckNRW

About the project

Test your own digital knowledge and find suitable training programs

The #DigitalCheckNRW helps users find out how digitally skilled they are. In addition to the results, the online test recommends suitable training programs—locally or online. The state government's #DigitalCheckNRW is an easily accessible and free-of-charge online self-test. It identifies your level of digital media knowledge and recommends suitable further training programs.

“North Rhine-Westphalia is a pioneer throughout Germany with the new #DigitalCheckNRW" says the State Secretary responsible for media, Nathanael Liminski

At, users can test their skills in the following six areas of expertise:

  1. Operate & Use (ability to use media wisely)
  2. Inform & Research (ability to assess the accuracy of information)
  3. Communicate & Cooperate (ability to master the rules for secure communication)
  4. Produce & Present (ability to creatively design digital media products)
  5. Analyze & Reflect (ability to critically deal with media offerings)
  6. Problem solve & Model (ability to solve technical problems)

Participants get a detailed answer after each question. When all the questions have been answered, they receive a score and recommendations for training programs both locally and online. The database includes hundreds of media competence courses. These include programming courses, data protection advice or training for parents on how to use digital media for their children. Providers of training programs can register at

#DigitalCheckNRW is a project of the Society for Media Education and Communication Culture (GMK) e.V. and is funded by the Prime Minister of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia. The self-test is based on the proven media skills framework North Rhine-Westphalia. This has been developed for schools and has now been extended for adults to promote lifelong learning.

The Society for Media Education and Communication Culture (GMK) was founded in 1984 as a nationwide association of professionals from the fields of education, culture and media. As the largest media educational umbrella and specialist association for institutions and individuals, GMK is a platform for discussions, cooperation and new initiatives. It coordinates nationwide GMK activities as well as the external representation of the GMK as a non-profit association.
The Society for Media Education and Communication Culture (GMK), as a nationwide association of education, culture and media, is committed to promoting media education and media literacy. GMK is also active in Switzerland and Austria. It brings together people interested in media education and committed from science and practice and ensures information, exchange and transfer.

More informations at



The team behind the project

Asbirg Naranjo

Co-project management, test development & training coordination

Jessica Wawrzyniak

Co-project management, press/public relations & editorial content

Linda Zeuner

Public relations, social media & networking

Michèle Witte

Design, magazine & method sheets