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Radicalization online - the most important facts at a glance

The internet, and social networks in particular, offer radical ideologies and groups an anonymous space to spread their messages and gain potential followers. This allows you to identify radicalization at an early stage.
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Phishing - How to recognize fraudulent emails in good time

A shipping service provider claims that your parcel will arrive late and sends a link to track your shipment, even though you haven't ordered anything? Then it may be a phishing email. We explain how you can recognize fraudulent emails more quickly.
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Foto: © Thomas Hendele

Beware of fake stores: how to protect yourself when shopping online

Have you ever ordered something online and never received the goods? Or have you suddenly had strange charges on your credit card? We'll show you how to recognize a fake store and introduce you to the fake store finder from the consumer advice center, which can help.
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Media literacy - a word with many facets

Without media-savvy people, we would sometimes be at a loss in everyday life, because even making coffee can nowadays require digital skills as part of media literacy. Here you can find out which skills and abilities are particularly important.
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Foto: © Andy Winterholer

Wie kann ich Social Media Fake News erkennen?

How can we distinguish true news from fake news? You can help by taking a digital news test, using a fact finder or listening to a podcast. In order to recognize possible fake news, we have summarized important tips and links for you. How can I avoid fake news? Where can I find competent advice? You'll find the answers here.
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Foto: © Andy Winterholer

Create email address - how to do it?

The advantages of an e-mail over a letter are obvious: it is faster and less expensive than sending it by mail. Electronic archiving is also less expensive. Its electronic form means that it can be automated. And in addition to the ease of handling an e-mail, we can also respond to e-mails quickly and easily. But how do I create an e-mail address? We explain it to you step by step.
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Foto: © Andy Winterholer

What is a cloud?

The amount of data we process every day is constantly growing - as is the need for storage space. Storing data in a cloud, i.e. outside of your own device, is therefore becoming increasingly popular. But what exactly is a cloud? What is there to consider in terms of data security?
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Foto: © Andy Winterholer

How do search engines work?

"I'll google that for a minute." Information can be found quickly with the help of search engines. But good searches are not always easy. We explain how reverse image search works, what algorithms have to do with search results and what alternatives there are to Google.
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Foto: © Andy Winterholer

AI, bots and chat GPT - A definition of artificial intelligence

The term artificial intelligence - AI for short - is omnipresent in media and political debates. But what exactly is AI? How and where do we encounter it in everyday life? In the following article, we show examples of applications and discuss the latest developments around ChatGPT.
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Foto: © Thomas Hendele

Messenger apps - how do they work and which ones are available?

Messenger apps allow us to communicate quickly and easily - with friends, family and colleagues. In this article, we explain the different apps available, how they work and what role data protection plays.
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Foto: © Thomas Hendele

Designing a digital photo book - how does it work?

Photos often capture the best moments in life. But you know how it is: quickly snapped on the smartphone, the abundance of photos is hardly ever looked at later. The solution: digital photo books that are easy to share and give as gifts. We have lots of creative design tips for you!
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Digital wellbeing - simple steps to more media balance

Just one more video, one more game, one more swipe - and suddenly hours have passed. What risks are associated with excessive media consumption and what can we do about it? How does mindful, balanced media consumption affect our own well-being? We have some practical tips for you.
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