Radicalization on the internet
- The most important things at a glance
Table of contents:
- What does "online radicalization" mean?
- What role do digital media play in radicalization?
- At a glance: Digital media as an accelerator of radicalization.
- The power of algorithms and those who create them.
- You can look out for these factors to recognize increasing radicalization.
- Advice centers and further links
- Sources
What does "online radicalization" mean?
Radicalization refers to the process of an increasingly extreme opinion on an issue, which can be of political or religious origin, for example. This process is very complex, meaning that many different aspects and influences can lead to someone being influenced by extremist ideologies, focusing more and more on them and trying to convince others of their views. For example, someone who does not feel seen or understood by family, friends or the wider community, who is socially isolated or under psychological strain, who is experiencing an identity crisis or seeking recognition is generally more at risk of adopting extreme or radical views and then wanting to share them with others. Political and social tensions can intensify the existing insecurities of a person or group of people. Young people in particular, who are still forming their own views and character traits, are easily persuaded by supposedly simple explanations for complex problems. However, radicalization also takes place among adults. [1]
There are many other factors and accelerators that can lead to political, religious or ideological radicalization. One of these is communication via social media, messenger services, forums or online games with like-minded people and the confrontation with their enemy images. The enemy images can be very different and relate, for example, to people of a certain origin, religion, sexual orientation or gender. As the Internet offers everyone a platform to show themselves and express their opinions, there is also plenty of scope to be observed, judged or discriminated against by others. At the same time, the anonymity of the internet offers radical-minded people many opportunities to spread hate messages, attract others to their side and inform themselves about their world view.
What role do digital media play in radicalization?
Formation of "filter bubbles"
Social media such as Facebook, Instagram, X or TikTok offer a platform that enables users to connect with others, share information and exchange opinions. However, the algorithms of these platforms- the rules that determine which of the billions of posts are displayed to users - filter information and increasingly assign it to accounts and people. So anyone who has already viewed similar content or responded to it with likes and comments will be shown posts in this direction again. As a user, you quickly find yourself in "filter bubbles" on the platforms that only show you selected content. Other topics, opinions or attitudes are then only rarely noticed in your own "social media filter bubble" and the diversity of other topics is lost.
The influence of "echo chambers"
Bringing people with similar interests together is initially uncritical, for example when it comes to sharing common interests and hobbies. This opportunity for exchange is even an advantage that social media offers. But now imagine you are in a room full of people who all have the same opinion as you. You only hear their thoughts and ideas and hardly hear any other perspectives. The views of the people in the room echo off the walls and this limits your view of the world because you are less exposed to different opinions or information . In social media, this phenomenon is known as an "echo chamber".
These echo chambers can cause people to become more entrenched in their beliefs and less open to other points of view. For people who are interested in extremist content, this can be a dangerous spiral that increasingly distorts their world view.

At a glance: Digital media as an accelerator of radicalization
1. algorithms in social media promote the formation of filter bubbles and echo chambers in which similarly minded people exchange ideas and increasingly reinforce each other's views. [2]
2. anonymity: On the internet, users are often not personally recognizable due to self-chosen user names ( pseudonyms), which lowers the inhibition threshold for radical statements. This anonymity encourages the spread of hate speech, racist comments and extremist statements.

3 Radical groups use knowledge to spread their views and conspiracy theories quickly on social networks, increase their reach and influence new followers. By posting provocative or emotionally charged content, for example, they can attract the attention of users and draw them into their radical ideology.
5. messenger services such as WhatsApp, Telegram or Signal offer an even more private form of communication between two people or in groups. This is increasingly being used by radical groups to regularly exchange information and share content that they know will cause a stir in society or for which they could even be prosecuted (e.g. inflammatory content or right-wing violent fantasies).
4 Chat groups in online games deserve special attention: By playing in a team, players experience a special group affiliation and a close community, even if they do not know each other personally. Wanting to belong to a group is a strong factor in spreading the radical views of group members and making them less likely to question them. Such exchange groups therefore bring with them an increased potential for possible radicalization. People who are already radicalized also like to seek out existing groups in order to win them over. [3]
The power of algorithms and those who create them:
Algorithms on platforms such as X (formerly Twitter) or Meta (Facebook, Instagram) can influence the radicalization of individuals in various ways. As already described, the usage behavior of users is often analyzed in social media so that they see posts that are tailored to them personally or are particularly popular with people in their environment. This creates the filter bubbles and echo chambers described above. In addition, platforms such as X, Meta and Instagram are owned by very powerful and wealthy individuals who can also control these algorithms, e.g. to for example, to place posts that correspond to their political opinion in a higher position.
Individuals are therefore able to shift the discussion of society as a whole for their own purposes. [4]
You can look out for these factors in your environment in order to recognize increasing radicalization:
Interest in extremist content: People who are at risk of being radicalized are increasingly looking at content that confirms their own beliefs and rejects other points of view. This increased interest can often be seen from the outside if you pay closer attention.
Changes in behavior and language: Radicalized people often speak in absolute sentences in which they assert something with complete conviction. Something is either completely right or completely wrong, but there are hardly any nuances in between. As a result, many one-sided, generalized or hostile statements creep in. Exaggerated, hostile and derogatory statements as well as highly emotionalized statements can be a sign of extremist language. Addressing different perspectives on the topic can help the other side to think about it in a more differentiated way.
Isolation and rejection of existing relationships: People who spend a lot of time with and in ideologically like-minded groups tend to turn away from people with a different opinion, e.g. if this jeopardizes long-standing friendships or family relationships, this could be a sign that the extreme position is already very pronounced.
Tendency towards conspiracynarratives: People who begin to believe in conspiracies are often more susceptible to radical ideologies. They begin to see the world in black and white categories and no longer recognize grey areas. As already described, this can be recognized by the style of language, but also by the content they talk about.
Glorification of violence: People who fall into extremist tendencies tend to see violence as a possible means of achieving their goals. In extremist online forums, there are posts that justify or call for violence against certain groups or institutions. If these are also called for in public, e.g. as a comment on a social media platform, then radicalization is probably already well advanced.
Hateful content: The tone on the internet is becoming increasingly harsh, according to the study "Lauter Hass, leiser Rückzug" (2024) by parts of the "Kompetenznetzwerk gegen Hass im Netz". Anonymity and the increasing acceptance of radical statements, images and symbols are just a few reasons for the "hate speech culture" on social networks. But: Hateful messages are not "normal" and it is important to take a closer look when they occur frequently. [5]
Advice centers and further links
Radicalization advice centre
Guide to North Rhine-Westphalia - Strong without Islamist extremism
Federal Association RIAS e.V. - Federal Association of Research and Information Centers on Anti-Semitism e.V.
EXIT Germany - Exit help for right-wing extremism
ufuq.de - Pedagogy between Islam, Islamophobia and Islamism.
WEISSER RING - Support for victims of crime
Violence Prevention Network
Nummer gegen Kummer e.V. - Counseling for children, adolescents and parents
116 111 (Mon-Sat from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m.)
6 tips for correct behaviour in the event of radicalization
[1] https://www-devonscp-org-uk.translate.goog/child-abuse/radicalisation-and-extremism/?_x_tr_sl=en&_x_tr_tl=de&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=rq [Status: 05.02.2025]
[2] https://www.verfassungsschutz.de/SharedDocs/kurzmeldungen/DE/2024/2024-09-18-rechtsextremismus-im-internet.html [Status: 05.02.2025]
[3] https://www.polizei-beratung.de/aktuelles/detailansicht/extremistische-propaganda-in-online-games/ [Status: 05.02.2025]
[4] https://www.bdzv.de/service/presse/branchennachrichten/2024/meinungsmacht-per-algorithmus-wie-musk-seine-interessen-auf-x-pusht [Status: 05.02.2025]
[5] https://www.beratungsstelle-radikalisierung.de/DE/Startseite/startseite_node.html [Status: 05.02.2025]