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AI, bots and chat GPT - A definition of artificial intelligence

The term artificial intelligence - or AI for short - is omnipresent in media and political debates. But what exactly do we mean by AI? How and where do we encounter artificial intelligence in everyday life? The following article is intended to give you a brief definition and at the same time show you examples of applications. We also look at the latest developments around ChatGPT.

Artificial intelligence - a definition

Artificial intelligence - AI for short - is a computer-based solution developed to imitate human thought and behavior. This type of intelligence is often used in the form of algorithms that are implemented in complex systems.

Artificial intelligence is capable of interacting with people and responding to their needs. The aim is to generate behavior that is as natural as possible while attracting as little attention as possible.

One of the best-known examples of artificial intelligence is Siri from Apple. This app uses algorithms to provide users with immediate answers to their questions. Other smartphone manufacturers have implemented similar functions. But there are even more examples...

5 examples of how artificial intelligence has already improved our everyday lives

Artificial intelligence is not a phenomenon from science fiction films. Nowadays, artificial intelligence and machine learning are omnipresent in our everyday lives. The areas of application are almost endless. Here are some examples of how AI has already improved our everyday lives.

1. voice assistants: Voice assistants such as Amazon Alexa, Apple Siri and Google Home make it easier than ever for us to interact with technology. Thanks to these AI tools, we can easily access information online or play music and movies - all at the touch of a voice command. They can also help us organize our appointments, find our way or read us the latest news.

2. autonomous driving: Autonomous driving is one of the best-known examples of AI in practice. With the help of machine vision systems, self-driving cars can recognize and navigate their surroundings and thus ensure greater safety on the road. Maybe it's just a matter of time before there are no more accidents...?

3. robots: Robots play a role in many different industries today, especially where precision is important. For example, they can help in operating theaters or produce goods in factories. Here too, AI enables robots to recognize their environment and make the right decisions independently.

4 Chatbots: Chatbots are another application of AI systems that is becoming increasingly popular. Using natural language input, they can chat with people and thus help with customer service, for example. With the help of AI technologies, chatbots can understand customer conversations and answer them without time pressure.

Graphic for download, status: 2022

5. medical technology: There are many potential applications for AI systems in medical technology - from automated diagnostic procedures to the use of robots in the operating room. These technologies help doctors to treat patients better and achieve better results - which can ultimately even save lives!

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ChatGPT - hype, opportunity or threat?

GPT stands for "Generative Pre-trained Transformer" and is a newer type of AI system that has only been around since 2018. It is a machine learning algorithm that is primarily used for text generation - that is, it can write entire sentences or paragraphs rather than just individual words.

ChatGPT is a really promising prototype that aims to revolutionize the chatbot experience for users. It is an AI-based chatbot solution that allows users to have natural conversations with an AI. The prototype is able to entertain people and provide realistic answers to their questions.

With ChatGPT, users can interact with the robot in real time. It has an intuitive user interface and user-friendly functions. Thanks to its powerful algorithm, ChatGPT can conduct in-depth conversations in a natural tone.

Another feature of ChatGPT is its ability to adapt questions to specific topics. The algorithm can store information from previous conversations and retrieve it when needed to respond appropriately to new questions.

However, there are also weaknesses. For example, its limited ability to understand new concepts or ideas. Although ChatGPT can answer most basic questions well, it still lacks the ability to relate similar concepts to each other or develop new concepts based on existing information. However, this does not mean that it does not have higher intelligence, only that it is still in the development phase and we cannot yet teach it all human thought processes.

As AI expert Gary Marcus so aptly puts it: "Brilliant one moment and breathtakingly stupid the next...". But even though ChatGPT is of course not yet capable of human-like performance, it has already shown that it can be a powerful tool for companies and organizations. In the future, it will certainly be improved even further and who knows... maybe even surpass human intelligence one day...?!